An integrated system for ensuring the work of the career center of the SWU "Neofit Rilski" - Technical Faculty, Blagoevgrad, and building a single information network with the career centers of the NMU - Veliko Turnovo and Sofia University

An integrated system for ensuring the work of the career center of the SWU "Neofit Rilski" -  Technical Faculty, Blagoevgrad, and building a single information network with the career centers of the NMU - Veliko Turnovo and Sofia University
05.03.2023 Супер Потребител

The University Center for Career Development is part of the structure of the Southwest University "Neofit Rilski"

The project aims to create opportunities for universities to check their curricula and the quality of student learning with the help of businesses. The basis of the development is the idea that the students will get the opportunity to work in leading companies with the help of the educational institution, and the university, in turn, will receive feedback on how well the students' preparation in a given program is sufficient to enter a specific professional field .

Based on the information received from the companies employing the students, the university will have the opportunity to analyze the data and decide whether a change in the program is necessary, including an additional discipline, expanding the training on an existing one in order to deepen the knowledge of the subject of study , to make a shift in the sequence of the studied material, etc.